International Journal of Surgery and Practice
Author Guidelines
Geneft strictly follows the plagiarism policy of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Plagiarism in any form (Self, Direct, Mosaic and accidental) is not acceptable. Thus, we strongly suggest that all authors check manuscript content before submission. Genef tuses Ithenticate to ensure the manuscript is free of plagiarized text and data.
Cover Letter
The cover letter should contain an official statement of approval from all participating authors declaring the submission to the International Journal of Surgery and Practice. The letter should specify the elaborated title, list of authors with affiliations, correspondence address, ratio of contribution, and conflicts of interest. The letter should give any additional information that may be helpful to the editor, such as the type of article, information on prior or duplicate publication or parallel submission of any part of the work in journals elsewhere, and whether the author(s) will be willing to meet the processing charges. Include copies of any permissions needed to reproduce published material or to use illustrations of identifiable subjects or objects.
File Types
Manuscripts are accepted only in word document format (.doc or .docx). Figures of high definition only in Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff formats are acceptable. Tables and graphs with legends should be submitted in separate word documents
The participating authors should meet the following criteria in order to be listed in the publication.
- Direct or indirect contribution in the process of planning, designing, implementation, data collection/acquisition and organization.
- Involvement in intellectual data compilation i.e. documentation, edition, and revision
- Read and approvethe submission of the final version of the manuscript.
- Bear responsibility and accountability for the metadata.
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Every author of the manuscript is required to submit a conflict-of-interest disclosure along with the manuscript. Each author is mandated to submit the COI form even in the case of no conflicts. Authors may download the COI form from ICMJE and submit the completed form to the journal along with the manuscript.
Ethical Approval
Any research involving occasional/intentional/regular usage of animals or human subjects should obtain the appropriate approvals from institutional review boards or committees. The corresponding information, such as approval details, name of the relevant ethics committee and the reference number for their judgment, should be stated in the cover letter.
Clinical Trial Information
Standardized and authorized protocols should be followed for conducting and reporting on clinical trials on humans. Standardized reporting guidelines such as CONSORT, PRISMA, STROBE, COREQ, ENTREQ, SAMPL etc. provided by Equator network & NLM's Research Reporting Guidelines should be followed for enhancing the quality and transparency of health research.