International Journal of Surgery and Practice
Editor Guidelines
Editor/Editor-in-Chief plays a vital role in publication procedure right from formation of the editorial board to publishing of manuscripts. Editor/Editor-in-Chief fosters the quality of a publication and the overall content of the journal by rendering services to Open Access through their eminence in research & expertise in their respective field.
Editor plays an important role in maintaining the quality and standards of the journal. Editors of Geneft journals are expected to take the complete responsibility for the journals and should monitor the entire publication process.
Geneft Journals invites scientists, researchers, academicians, medical practitioners, and scholars who have interest to serve as an editor.
Benefits as an Editor for Geneft Journals
- Discounts on publication charges.
- Certificate of appreciation from Geneft, honoured by the Editor-in-Chief at the end of the year
- Recognition as an editor for Geneft journal
Editor Guidelines and Responsibilities
- Editor should encourage the submission of good quality manuscripts by referring authors/colleagues for manuscript submission.
- Editors are requested to assign the reviewers for the manuscripts received from the editorial office. They can inform the editorial office if they are unavailable. This enables us to assign the manuscript to other editors having similar research interest.
- Timely contribution to editorials/manuscripts for the release inaugural/upcoming issues of the journal.
- Editor needs to check the quality of manuscript they have received from editorial office.
- Editor needs to respond in timely manner to the editorial office and complete the review process within the provided timeline.
- There is no restriction for number of manuscripts to review. The editor can work according to his interest and time.
- Editors should contribute for the development of journal by expressing their new thoughts and suggestions.
- Editors have to take responsibility of monitoring the complete peer review process to maintain the quality and standard of the journal.
- Editors should maintain contact with other editorial board members.
- Editors need to maintain confidentiality and have to comply with data protection ethics.